By Mood

Glad or sad? Dark or just a little bit melancholic? Here, we have listed the tracks according to moods. Of course, no distinct science will tell what mood a track represent. What is relaxed to someone could be stressful to someone else, so please find out for yourself!


No minor keys, no broken hearts. Just joyful music to your podcast! Find Joyful music »


No stress, just soft and relaxed music to your podcast. Find Relaxed music »


Yes, it’s music in minor keys. If your podcasts handle drama and crime, if you are building some tension, here is our best selection. Find Dark music »


Sometimes it is drama, like in “drama queen”. Sometimes it might be a drama under the surface or around the corner. What suits your podcast? Find Dramatic music »


Missing him? Did she leave you? Are you feeling sad without knowing why? If these emotions are handled in your podcast, here are the tracks with melancholic music. Find Melancholic music »


Wide open landscapes, misty mountains, loneliness…anything that does not have a very distinct beat, and where the edges are somewhat smooth could be found here. Find Ambient music »

Can I have exclusive rights?

Yes you can Unless marked otherwise, the tracks can be exclusively licensed to you! Once you fill in the order form, you will be given the option to ask for exclusive rights, and we will discuss it with you! Read more »

Are there any free licenses?

Yes, there might be an option. We can discuss a collaboration where you promote our service in your podcasts. If you already have an audience, it could for sure be relevant to us. Read more »

Do I need a license with a Performing Rights Organization?

No, we are willing to discuss other solutions to give you the right to use our music. Read more »

I have a license with a Performing Rights Organization, can I use it?

Sure! All tracks presented in this web service are registered with STIM (The Swedish Society of Performing Rights) which means you can report the usage to your organization and we will get payed. Let us know if that suits your needs!

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